
Universidad del Pacífico was founded in 1962, within a context dominated by a continental debate over the model Latin America should follow toward development. The University has since been a key actor in the educational, economic and social growth of the country and the region. The history of Universidad del Pacífico began on February 28th, 1962. At that time, a group of personalities from the business sector, with the support of the Society of Jesus, founded the University as a center for education and research which should trascend the country's borders. The first lessons were given in a small building located in Downtown Lima. The first President of the University was Juan Ignacio Herrera. In 1965, Universidad del Pacífico moved to its current premises on Avenida Salaverry, in the district of Jesus Maria, where it has experienced strategic growth.

The degrees in Management and Economics were established in 1969, and in the early 1970s the Research Center of Universidad del Pacífico (CIUP) was founded. Later, the degree in Accounting was established, and the Publishing Fund and the Graduate School (EPG) were founded. By 1993, Universidad del Pacífico had created its Language Center. In the following decades, new schools would be created, such as the School of Law and the School of Engineering (which started by offering the Business Engineering degree), as well as the degrees in Marketing, International Business, Information Engineering and Finance. In 2022, Universidad del Pacífico celebrate its 60th anniversary: more tan half a century providing integral training to its students, promoting and disseminating pure and applied research focused on domestic and global issues.


Universidad del Pacífico

Universidad del Pacifico is the leading non-profit academic organization in Peru in careers related to Economics and Management. It was founded in 1962 offering undergraduate degrees in Economics, Management and Accounting. It now offers nine undergraduate programs, eleven master programs and forty-eight specialization programs. It hosts 4,663 and 3,323 students in undergraduate and graduate programs, respectively.

The School of Economics and Finance offers two undergraduate degrees and one master’s degree in Economics. All programs offered by this school are characterized by their rigor and academic demands.
The alumni of the undergraduate degrees lead the main institutions and companies in Peru and since 2014 offers the possibility of have a dual degree with University of London under the academic direction of London School of Economics.
The master's degree in economics places its graduates in the doctoral and master's programs of the best universities in the world such as University of Chicago, Yale University, Princeton University, University of Michigan, among others. In recent years, the master´s degree has added an optional double degree with the Harris School of Public Policy and Tilburg University.


¿Cómo llegar?

Jr. Sánchez Cerro 2121, Jesús María. Lima - Perú